Faith Church

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Day 1 - Following Jesus Christ

We are so excited that you decided to dedicate your life to following Jesus.

But what does that mean, really? It is important to understand your decision so that you can experience the fullest life that God has in store for you. The prayer you prayed brought about a huge change on the inside of you, but it was only the first step in a lifetime journey of following Christ.

Ultimately, God’s Word teaches us several important things:

1. Our Sin

We are all born with a sinful nature. Because of our sins, we cannot have a relationship with God without forgiveness. See: Romans 3:23

2. God’s Gift

We can’t earn God’s forgiveness – it must be given. Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice so that we could be forgiven.See: Romans 5:8; Ephesians 2:8-9

3. Our Response

We must accept this free gift from God by believing that we are sinful, that Jesus is our Savior, and by committing our lives to Him. See: Romans 10:9

4. The Result

When we put our faith in Jesus to forgive our sins, we are immediately forgiven. We are considered God’s child, and our relationship with God begins. See: 2 Corinthians 5:21; John 1:12

So, think of it this way:

"You’re a brand-new person today."

This isn’t something that will happen,
but has already happened!

But remember, faith in Christ
is a lifetime journey.

Part of that journey is becoming on the outside who we are on the inside, allowing the change we’ve experienced in our hearts to be experienced in our lifestyle. As children of God, we commit to becoming more like Christ daily in our actions, words, and obedience.

As we walk out our faith, several things happen:

1. We Bring Honor to God

Jesus died to save us, and the greatest way that we honor Him is by living for Him. We never earn God’s love or forgiveness by our obedience, but it is the best way to thank Him for it.See: Romans 12:1; 2 Corinthians 5:15

2. We Bring Light to This World

This world is a dark place that is in desperate need of grace, love, mercy, and righteousness. When we live our lives for Christ, we influence those around us with the light and life that we found in Christ.See: Matthew 5:14

Tomorrow you will receive another link for more information about your next step in following Christ.